Stop Finding Customers. Create Them.

Rod Aparicio
2 min readAug 4, 2022

It’s hard to find good customers.

With 19 ways to find th — Who am i kidding?

Fuck that.


Spoiler alert: won’t be easy.

Look for hacks 🤮 somewhere else.

5 Steps To Create A Customer 👇

1. See Greatness In People

Don’t position your products, position your customers for success in the world.

Help them get what they want.

What’s the transformation they’re after?

How can they get their job done?


Messaging, comms, language.

Where’s the focus?

Is it on the BRAND and what it can do? Our vision, Our values, Who we are, Our services, Our products… Me, me, me, me, me. 🤮

Or is it focused on YOU, dear client? Your problems, Your needs, Your transformation…

Look for the highest good. That’s YOUR responsibility (and choice).

2. Help Then Find Meaning In Their Lives

“The really great brands have something more than a stack of benefits. They create emotion.”

‘There’s something about it that’s building my identity.‘ Marty Neumeier.

It’s how the customer adopts the business and its products as part of their life. It’s what it represents *to them*.

How are you enabling that?

3. Design The Customers You Want

Design the space for them so they can see and live in that space.

“That’s me in there!”

They’ll tell others and that’s the beginning of a tribe.

That’s the base to niching down. You can only find the right fit if you design them = intentional.

This way, you can say No to the wrong ones.

And the right ones will take care of each other.

They’re all after a big picture transformation.

What this transformation is — that’s for you to figure out.

4. Support And Grow The Tribe

Help The Tribe Thrive™.

Show in ways of how you can serve them to thrive. Community building, building in public, approach with curiosity, create their safe space.

What are the ways THEY can GROW and GET WHAT THEY WANT.

5. Create A Framework For Stories

“[…]Great narratives identify opportunities for the people outside the company to pursue on their own.” Marty Neumeier.

The STORY is about your CUSTOMERS.

Set the scene and let them play along.

John Hagel’s framework around narratives and stories makes this simpler. How they can see a future driven by opportunities and are inspired to create greater impact.

“What the customer thinks he is buying, what he considers “value,” is decisive — it determines what a business is, what it produces and whether it will prosper.” Peter Drucker

How To Create A Customer 👇

1. See Greatness In People

2. Help Then Find Meaning In Their Lives

3. Design The Customers You Want

4. Support And Grow The Tribe

5. Create A Framework For Stories

If you’re thinking of How To Build A Brand, FORGET ABOUT THE BRAND.

Focus on your customers. And design them.

Are you designing your audience?

If you found this thread valuable and are sick of marketing bullshit, follow me → @rodaparicio_

or share with your community. 🤘

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog

